Your mutual friend is a one time thing, meet ups are monthly. Say good bye to your friend.
Been there
JoinedPosts by Been there
Your votes will decide: Farewell party for loyal dub VS. Ex-JW meetup
by OnTheWayOut ini am leaving this up to jwd votes.
please don't just attack the dubs and .
vote the other way because of personal feelings.
I can't do anything about...
by Blueblades ini have come to this point in my life, there are things that i can't do anything about.. for example: i can't do anything about whether or not there is an afterlife.
i can't to do anything about all the books i read on the subjects: the denial of death, life after life, man's search for meaning, the problem of pain, the history of god, the question of god, atheism, the case against god, the case for christ, the case against christianity, searching for eternity, the myth of certainty,the blind watchmaker, the theory of everything,the holographic universe.. and many many more books that i have read on the pros and cons of many subjects, the list is too big to list here.
some of the ones i did list focus on life and death issues.
Been there
I am trying to do the same thing with growing old gracefully. The closer it gets the more it scares me.
I did think of something awhile back by some of the books I have read. I choose to believe in Christianity, not everyone does and thats fine by me. I am not a debater. I was thinking that if Christians believe the whole Jesus concept then to me that is proof there is life (somewhere) after death and even reincarnation. Spirit form being born, becoming flesh, dieing and coming back. Back and forth, back and forth. Granted Christs birth ment alot more then mine does but do you see where it would be possible by Christs example to physically get here and keep coming back???
Just a curious mind.
What are the love names you call your pets?
by restrangled insince we have heard many bad names for humans lately in the media, i thought it would be fun to hear what we call our pets..... i have two large male (one in tact) dobermans and they are called an answer to: lovies, darlings, gooies, babies and bad boy loves.. what do you call your pets?.
Been there
I have a little 6lb toy terrier. We call her Dope on a rope. She can get hung up on a blade of grass.
Dallas in the Spring
by Sparkplug inso i have been tooling about dallas doing some work on the weekend.
here are a few things our apostafest friends have to look forward to (perhaps) when in town.
this is some of the local fun and flowers happening and i hope you enjoy.
Been there
Nice pics sparkplug, Spring has sprung.
Did any one else notice the face on her leg peeking out from under her dress on the last photo? or am I just weird?
Such a simple question
by 5thGeneration inan elder friend just asked me the most simple question.. "if you had all the power, would you still let the world be like this?"..
i answered "of course not".. then he just said "hmmm"..
Been there
My first logical answer would be "NO".
But then, if you think as a parent, the best and most lasting way for a kid to learn is trial & error. If a parent always steps in to save the kid the building blocks are not layed down and they will always need rescued from their bad choices. Pain & hurt are usually the fastest teachers in life (self preservation). Some kids just really get into pain. God isn't dealing with one man, but mankind as a whole. Just another way to see it.
We are here for Adoption!
by new boy ini was taking to grace (mouthy) on the phone today in canada.....what a sweetheart she truly is.. we have decided to put ourselfs out for adoption.
since i have lost family members because of being a jehovah's witness for 52 years and since many here have lost wifes, husbands, children, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, and of course friends.. we have decided to put ourselfs out for adoption...............grace told me today she would be happy to be your grandmother to all that would like to have a grandmother..........i would love to be a father to anyone who would like to have a father.........that no longer has one.. we have this to offer to all...........the most important thing a parent, grand parent or friend can offer their child, grandchild or friend........and that is, unconditional love to are all perfect.the love that real family members may have is conditional.......but true love never is.
we are here for you all.............and anyone else here on this board that would like to be a grandparent parent, father,mother, sister, brother or friend ............. please let all here know now.. as the italians say "familia"...........we are family!........we are here for adoption.
Been there
You are too young to be my father, so you could be my big brother.
At your age who would have thunk you'd be too young for something?
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by scout575 in"the lord told moses to respect for old people and honour them..." ( leviticus 19:1,32 ).
"the lord told moses to say...if a man has intercourse with a woman during her monthly period, both of them are to be driven out of the community..." ( leviticus 20:1,18 ).
Been there
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy and look forward to your weekly Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde series. Seems sometimes God is as confused as I am. I am truely made in his image.
Withholding sex in a relationship or marriage
by free2beme ini once heard that when you first get married, you should take a jar and put a penny it in each time you have sex your first year.
then after the first year, take a penny out for each time you have sex, and that jar would never go empty.
basically, the sex gets old and you never do it much after the first year.
Been there
I think it's important to understand that the term 'withholding' does not necessarily apply to this question, though. 'Withering' is the term that may apply more fully--as in, withering sex drive/ desire/ connection---from lack of 'watering,' nurturing, and any number of ills existing within the marriage itself.
A lot of times, guys (and sometimes girls) prefer to look at it as their partners withholding---rather than see it as themSELVES withholding: Withholding the TLC and hard maintenance necessary to keep a healthy marriage connection thriving. So...I say...if your partner seems to be withholding...look for the root causes to the WITHERING.......
Excellent summery. That is exactly how I think of it. This subject hits close to home. I could fill two pages with my thoughts on it from my perspective.
That young guy bought the book but he isn't bothering to read it. He thinks there is something wrong with the book so he is going to go out borrowing another one. He isn't going to read that one either. He may even borrow a few more before he's done, when all along he had a precious book on his shelf at home if he only cared enough to open it and read what was inside. Owning the book doesn't mean much, but if you cherish it and use the information given by it (yes sometimes you have to read between the lines) you will get many good years of reading out of it. When you marry, you buy a novel but alot of guys are in the kiddy section with "Dick meets Jane (no pun intended
) ) and See Spot Run". He might even buy a couple more books but in the end just send them off to the used book store because they don't work either. Someone may come along and see that old tattered book for the treasure that it is and get a really good deal if they can still read it after all the stains the previous owner put on it in the kiddy section.
So what I am saying is.........If his balls are aching, her heart is probably aching, after you get married they are very closely connected.
Thank you!
by lost_light06 ini've been a member on this board one year today.
i've grown from a confused jw, filled with feelings of inadequacy, to an ex-jw excited for my future of freedom from the grip of the wbts.
i dont post a lot, dont know many of you personally and still kind of feel like an outsider since im not well known by a lot of you but i do love this board and the people on it.
World War 2 "dog tags"
by onacruse indoing some yard work last month, i found a ww2 dogtag in the dirt.
i'd like to return it to the family, but haven't been able to find a way to determine where they are.
all i could find on the net was a site for the same purpose set up for vietnam vets' tags.. here's how the tag reads:.
Been there
I located Seths second cousin in W. Virginia. Craig please P.M. me for her info.
Thanks Leolaia she conformed from your info.